Middleburn stickers **Maybe a bit of a longshot**


Dirt Disciple
Has anyone got any Middleburn stickers lurking around that I can buy?

The ones I am after say 'Middleburn' with the word 'Components' just below and slighty to the right.

The text is around 3" long.


Thanks :cool:
have you asked Middleburn?? Or get some made up from either gilm_m or manitou916 on this site
I had contacted Middleburn and they're going to have a look for me, but they didn't think they had any left :(

I've sent Gil_m a PM, I'll drop manitou916 a PM as well.

Thanks for the heads up :cool:
I have a Middleburn catalogue from 96 that I have leant to someone at the moment....when it comes back I'll look if there are any logos in it like that
Harryburgundy":21gjltez said:
I have a Middleburn catalogue from 96 that I have leant to someone at the moment....when it comes back I'll look if there are any logos in it like that

That would be fantastic :cool:

The sticker looks like this


Then has the word 'COMPONENTS' in smaller text below. This text is slighty to the right and starts between the 'B&U'