Merry Christmas!! What did Santa leave in your stocking?


Marin Fan
Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you and your family are well in these difficult times.

On an upbeat note, I thought it would be interesting to hear what Santa left under the Christmas tree.

I got some terra ones T1 with new inner tubes, a 91/92 Marin lite stem.

My son also got a frog-tadpole balance bike to begin his journey.
Self-served prezzies admittedly, but here you are:

Magnetic frames made pre '96, Marin Team Issue, Zig Zag Trail, & a Logic-tubed DB Axis, all are in my size, which is paramount, in shabby, but useable nick. Got too many projects already, but hey, they were the bees-knees backinthosedays, and for some - me included - still are :xmas-cool: .