Great deal this, that steam alone is spendy and if frame is in good condition you are in for a winner. Do show what you've gotThanks for posting, I’m collecting this morning, hopefully it’s in good shape![]()
Great deal this, that steam alone is spendy and if frame is in good condition you are in for a winner. Do show what you've gotThanks for posting, I’m collecting this morning, hopefully it’s in good shape![]()
Great deal this, that steam alone is spendy and if frame is in good condition you are in for a winner. Do show what you've got
The result of a few hours in the stand with a heat gun (to remove the incorrect decals) and some autosol. There are no cracks, dents or even scrapes that I can find. What a beauty.
That's titanium for you![]()
Yes a massive mark up, and an overly optimistic one too. It will never achieve it and if it gets 50% of asking, I'll be surprised, because a) it is not Osaka Zunow built, no usual panto present etc. and b) market is really down at the moment.
My 2p worth...but do remember..... I was a Zunow bike owner once![]()
Apologies, did not meant to offend, just giving my opinion.Thanks for your input, the price is based on the opinions of the Zunow owners club, and the last eBay sale of one of these frames, which was £1557. If it doesn’t sell, that’s fine, but the Zunow owners club disagrees with you.
If you have a problem with the price I am asking, why not say it privately and without malice, instead of trying to publicly ruin the business of others? I am open to offers, but I shall not be forced to sell cheaply because of your opinion. This forum and hobby is brought down by people who cannot stand to see others do well.
Thanks for your opinion, time will tell what it sells for, not you.