Mega bargain Deore Disc Brakes, £15 an end at CRC.

Not investigated hoses yet tbh as they're for a bike that's a while off being built. I'll probably just take the whole bike to my decent lbs when the time comes as they don't charge very much and I bet the hose is cheap there :wink:
just realised - the shorter hose (front brake) i've received is on a left hand lever.
the longer hose (rear brake) is attached to the right hand lever.

so i'll either keep this as is and just get a longer hose for the right hand lever to reach the back of the bike (not ideal as i'd need to remember which way round the brakes are)
use the longer one for the front and get a longer hose for the left hand lever so i dont have to change the way i brake!

so just be prepared that this may be the way yours turn up too :)
Yeah, the chaps on STW said they're the wrong way round for the UK. They also say it's easy to switch them round though without the need to re-bleed. :D
brocklanders023":3uihd6vr said:
Yeah, the chaps on STW said they're the wrong way round for the UK. They also say it's easy to switch them round though without the need to re-bleed. :D

well go on then - tell us - or is it on that thread you posted a link to?

edit - just looked at that thread - no instructions. google time....
Did you not get instructions with yours? Think I did but have not studied it yet. I was just going off the STW thread but assume you can just undo them without losing too much oil :?
Postie trudged through the snaw to deliver mine, well he got out of his van. :lol:

Measured hoses, front is 750mm, rear is 1600mm. The rear does have Post to IS adaptor. As has been said the levers are on opposite sides to normal in UK. The thread on STW has several replies from people who have changed levers over with no problem with bleeding if the lever and hoses are kept pointing up, any air bleeds into lever reservoir. I'll have to shorten rear hose as it's too long, was worried it would be 1200mm and too short. 8)

There were instructions in one of bags with brake, other one looks to have been opened, might have been front, maybe they took Post to IS adaptor out.
brocklanders023":12tjoreh said:
I got IS to post mounts on both of mine :?

1450mm rear any good to you? We could do a trade as I think I need longer :wink:

Might be an idea, but how soon do you need the hose?
The brakes are going on a 98 Marin Wildcat Trail (it's a bare frame at the moment), think it's about 19", but not any time soon.
The rear swing arm has Marin's own caliper mounting holes on it, not IS :roll: , so I've got to make an adaptor to mount caliper, so not entirely sure how long the hose will need to be.
I'll try to work out how much I'll need and PM you if you like in next few days.