Dirt Disciple
How time flys
Looking through the archives this summer will be the 15th anniversary of the first meeting of the clans between the hairy reivers of clan McRetro and the great unwashed Sassenach from Englandshire.
How about we gather in the borders this summer to once more oil our big rings, exchange Fat Rascals for Tunnocks and ride old bicycles?
What say ye McRetro?
I shall gather the Yorkshire and NE in a raiding party for the occasion
The artist formally known as Dr S
Looking through the archives this summer will be the 15th anniversary of the first meeting of the clans between the hairy reivers of clan McRetro and the great unwashed Sassenach from Englandshire.
How about we gather in the borders this summer to once more oil our big rings, exchange Fat Rascals for Tunnocks and ride old bicycles?
What say ye McRetro?
I shall gather the Yorkshire and NE in a raiding party for the occasion
The artist formally known as Dr S
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