Wanted MBUK's to finish the collection


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Ok so I'm missing a few magazines of mountain biking UK that I would like to acquire to finish the collection, if you have any of these it would be nice to hear if you would like to sell.

Vol1 5-13
Vol2 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 13
1990 winter special

Ok so I'm missing a few magazines of mountain biking UK that I would like to acquire to finish the collection, if you have any of these it would be nice to hear if you would like to sell.

Vol1 5-13
Vol2 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 13
1990 winter special

Not 100% sure Lee, and I'm happy to be corrected but....
I'm fairly certain than Vol 1 was just issues 1-4
MBUK wasn't monthly then...Don't know when it started in 1988, but it's more likely to be quarterly?
Note the early magazine title font.

For Vol 2.
-Starts same format as Vol 1. (Would match quarterly format)
-Vol 2. No.2 changes the magazine title font to the familiar type. Also announces that it is now monthly. That would make this April.
-Vol 2. No.3 is the 1st issue with the month shown at the top. This issue is May.
-Vol 2. Nos 4 - 9 are June to November
-Vol 2. No. 10 is the winter special.

Hopefully this proves helpful as your collection is now probably more complete than you thought!

Unfortunately, the MBUK'S in these pics are not for sale! ....but will give you a guide as to which ones you need.

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Cheers @boy"O"boy

I did wonder about the first year as I had never seen any other covers, so I guess I'm sorted for them 😃

Vol2, I see the ones I'm missing..... So close yet so far

Thanks fella RBG
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Don’t think vol1 was quarterly..if I remember correctly it started in the summer of 88…I’d just got my rockhopper comp. Vol1 issue2 is a rare mag