are they more fun? I'd argue picking your way (at whatever speed you choose!) down a rubble strewn path on a rigid/short ravel front suspended bike is more fun (and demanding) than a 6" suspended bike which turns it into a motorway...
orange71":rh7gtcrg said:
are they more fun? I'd argue picking your way (at whatever speed you choose!) down a rubble strewn path on a rigid/short ravel front suspended bike is more fun (and demanding) than a 6" suspended bike which turns it into a motorway...

At the end of a long ride though, you are far less broken if you are riding a full susser.. it depends what you want, slow and technical or the thrill of flying through the trees at break neck speed.. :D
The thing is though mountain bikes are actually quite destructive to the environment, and man-made paths are really the most eco-friendly way of riding.
I like both :) My lst bike before returning to the fold was a 97 Rift Zone - it was beautiful.
I do like the feel of a rigid bike as well though, so a bit of both is good:)
Back in the 80s and early 90s, when was reading MBUK, you could not have paid me to ride an old MTB. Young folk tend not to have a great deal of time for what their elders used to read, write, listen to or ride. Progress invades all our lives. How many of us would forego Retrobike.co.uk in favour of a monthly rag with readers letters etc? Not many I bet.

At least MBUK are just saying new is better. If the fascists at MBR had their way we'd have our own industry Kristalnacht whereby all old bikes would be burned in the town centres and hardtail riders would be carted off into oblivion.
hmmm I think its each to there own but I just get annoyed that just because something isnt your thing you have to rubbish the other :evil:

Have to admit though I have a full bouncer Enduro Pro which weighs peanuts and ermmm ..... I cant stop riding the Zaskar now :oops:
Has anybody ever thought about starting a magazine for RetroBike....................or has this already been done and I just have`nt seen it ?
I find that this leaves a very poor taste in the mouth when I see them rubishing the old stuff rather than just promoting the new. I don't remember seeing that attitude BITD.

"BITD" there wasn't any old stuff to rubbish ;-)
The thing is though mountain bikes are actually quite destructive to the environment, and man-made paths are really the most eco-friendly way of riding.

I seem to remember an article in MBUK (probably!) years ago that showed that actually bikes are less destructive than walkers and horses in terms of damage to paths...
I had a subscription to MBUK back in the early 90's and what I found after a couple of years was that they basically just re-cycled the stories year-on-year, but with newer bikes!!

They used to cover racing a lot, but it certainly seems that there arent any mags that cover XC anymore, prolly cos there arent anywhere near as many XC races anymore :?

By far the most entertaining read I ever found was Mountain Bike Action (I think), which I believe was an American publication, about 2/3rds the size of MBUK, but thicker.

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