MBR Article March 2010

Here's another way in. Go to my website www.waughphotos.com and click on my blog, or the 'latest' star on the homepage. Put 'retro' in the search box in the right hand column and all images will appear. Click on a thumb to see it big and then find the download button at the top left in small letters.

I was getting a password prompt too, and tried to create an account.
The alternative way to download described above seems to work just fine though. :cool:
Geoff, thanks for putting up the component pics. some more top shots.

I'll drop you a note soon about the proposed road ride, when we have something definite in place.
John":3tf87yqj said:
I'll drop you a note soon about the proposed road ride, when we have something definite in place.

Just to add to the above - plans for a road ride (dare we say Sportive?) are in discussion and hope to have something a bit more than bare bones that we can share soon.

That said, ideas involve a choice of distances with a split halfway through and numerous bail out options if mechanicals/fitness strikes. Post ride could involve a garden party and trip to an award winning brewery (!) with a chillout ride and pub lunch (bring your cafe racer for this!) the next day for those that want.

Hopefully an announcement in the not too distant.....
If the April edition is 'off the shelfs' and has been replaced by the May edition isn't it time to get the hi-res scans on the site?
Here they are:

