Mayhem 2020 cancelled due to apocalypse


We could bring cheap instruments/amps etc and have an open house band. Anybody steps in/out as they please. Did this for a couple of street barbecue parties. Great fun.
Re: Mountain mayhem 2020

Yep, good idea. I've got a a couple of old guitars, amps, drum kit and other bits. Wouldn't want it to be trashed but don't mind a few knocks.
Re: Mountain mayhem 2020

I would definitely be playing electronic instruments

Re: Mountain mayhem 2020

That looks good. In true nineties style perhaps we could combine electronic and rock for an eclectic mix of spaced-out grooves.

Just lit fire for evening, couple of drinks. Music via Bose while unpacking vinyl. Lovely. Played my Martin too. Nothing from Kaya yet......
Re: Mountain mayhem 2020

When we getting a sign-up thread going?

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