Mayhem 2017 "Lost Souls" sub thread

Welcome to the mad house, can we burn the barrel after emptying it, it'll save you
bringing extra wood :LOL:
Be warned guys, I'm a maybe No as in typical fashion I'm to appear for potential Jury selection the days before the event. I am trying to get out of it siting this event as a pre booked holiday using paperwork spud sent me but there is a chance I will fail. I was summoned for Jury service in the early spring this year but got out of it. Chances of escaping twice in the same year are slim. Chances of being called for jury service twice in 6 months would be considered slim but has happened. That's 6 times in my life I have "randomly" been selected yet I know numerous folk older than me who have never been called in their lives. Bit pissed off you can tell.
I hope I can be there but at moment I do not know and that might be the state of affairs right up until the last second :(
That's a bummer, I got called 3 months after my 18th birthday, got out of it, never been called again, my Mrs has done it 3 times.
Hi guys,

Huge apologies for being totally vacant from these parts until now. I've just caught up on 30-odd pages of bollox from the main thread (about 2 actual pages of valuable info lol) so I've got my t-shirt order in and I'll go looking for some fairy lights...

Sadly, I can confirm that I won't be riding, further to Nobby's and Spud's posts a couple pages back. I broke my thumb about 4 weeks ago falling off the bike and had a second operation on it last Friday. It's still got stitches in from being opened up to relocate it and pin it together using K-wires for a second time. I'll be in plaster until a few days before Mayhem which'll be about 8 weeks in total off the bike, doing my already less-than-fantastic fitness level absolutely no favours whatsoever.

I messaged the news to the guys via WhatsApp and I'm glad to see on here that Chef looks likely to step in. I believe Andy will be using me for menial duties when Jericho's riding!

I'll still be there, but absolutely gutted I won't be able to ride. Sure, I'll have use of both hands by then, but I'm not risking further damage to my thumb by riding too soon (read as: falling off again!). With me, if anything can go wrong, it usually will, spectacularly.

See you there.

Where did they relocate it to?

Answers to the question below in not more than 6 words on a postcard or stamped addressed envelope to:

"I think regan's thumb would be best placed in......."

The Flying Squad
You're nicked son house
Haskins square
South of the river
The smoke.

Father Jack:


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Well seeing as nobby has roped me in.

Cake = batenberg (or any cake)
Bike = cove hand job

I'll try and obtain fairy lights and work on some fitness (currently only fit for 40 secs as I race bmx).

Looking forward to it.
Re: Re:

stockybmx":2wapt0ab said:
Well seeing as nobby has roped me in.

Cake = batenberg (or any cake)
Bike = cove hand job

I'll try and obtain fairy lights and work on some fitness (currently only fit for 40 secs as I race bmx).

Looking forward to it.
Congratulations. Look after your thumbs.