Old Ned
Old School Grand Master
Right then Chaps and Chapessess - who's up for an 'Old Farts' team?
Nothing to strenuous, take your time and do it properly, no whippersnappers (not that I've got anything against them, I was one myself once!) a relaxed attitude, a quiet camp position away from all the unruly lot - and a whole hearted belief that we could beat the other RB teams. :twisted:
Mind you, the odd whippersnapper to hammer in several quick laps could be an advantage. It would allow us more mature and mellow types to meander round in our own time.
Do we set a minimum age? Can't have a maximum 'cos I won't get in!
Nothing to strenuous, take your time and do it properly, no whippersnappers (not that I've got anything against them, I was one myself once!) a relaxed attitude, a quiet camp position away from all the unruly lot - and a whole hearted belief that we could beat the other RB teams. :twisted:
Mind you, the odd whippersnapper to hammer in several quick laps could be an advantage. It would allow us more mature and mellow types to meander round in our own time.
Do we set a minimum age? Can't have a maximum 'cos I won't get in!