Marzocchi Z1 - aftermarket crown/steerer pics


Old School Hero
The steerer on my Z1 Bam was too short for my Dekerf so I popped for a replacement from dr-zocchi on Ebay. It took a while to get to Canada, as one may expect, but was well-packed and looked great. The lowers fit snug in the crown and the quality seems on par with the original. The area around the clamps is slightly less rounded than the original, which is probably where their claim of additional strength comes from. It's difficult to spot without them side by side.

Here are some comparison pics in case anyone else is on the fence about buying one.

Z1 crown compare 4 by Rented Mule, on Flickr

Z1 crown compare 3 by Rented Mule, on Flickr

Z1 crown compare 2 by Rented Mule, on Flickr

Z1 crown compare 1 by Rented Mule, on Flickr

The final product installed
Z1 crown 1 by Rented Mule, on Flickr