Marzocchi Jr. T internal rebound tool


Retro Guru

I'm after one of these tools, as the Jr. T fork I bought from ebay is set far too slow for my liking!

If anyone's got one they want to sell or swap, please give me a shout.

Is this the ridiculously long allen key type thing? If so, I've got one hanging around in my toolbox you can have.
Hi again,

It looks like I'm going to have to keep searching for this tool unless Matt can get back to me.

If anyone can help me please let me know.

<COUGH> They came in two sizes I seem to recall.
5mm and 3mm (I think) </COUGH
IIRC the older had the larger size, but when the change happened I `m unsure.
Merry Xmas all!

As it stands I'm still on the look out for an internal rebound adjustment tool for a yr2000 Junior T.

There must be someone out there with one od these that they have no use for!
