Marzocchi 24mm Outer Dust Seal repro available soon!


Senior Retro Guru

I'm offering Marzocchi 24mm outer dust seals, my own reproduction.

Price will be 25€ for 2 pieces for RetroBike users only (and 35 for all others) + international shipping 7€ (registered).

As far as the reproduction of the 26mm outer dust seal went that smart (you can read the stories about on my homepage, which will be back online again after I have worked on EU-DSGVO / GDPR) and successfull I decided to do the 24mm repro also, because I'm nearly out of it and received some seals and service requests for 24mm forks.

I already placed an corresponding order and awaiting the first test samples in the next weeks.

I'd be happy, if some of you order now - please mail me for Paypal ID.
I'm open for special prices if you decide to buy some more pieces.

Thanks for reading and sharing the project!

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