Marin Titanium FRS 93 - Help wanted (and needed)


Dirt Disciple
Dear Gents,

I am in the happy position owning a 93 Titanium FRS. I was quite stunned seeing the serial number, says V001. Definitely not a typical Marin serial number. I have reached out already to Lightspeed, but they do not have any records sadly (nor Interest).

I was wondering if anyone here can sheet light into that matter, if its "just" a preproduction Asian made frame or the first one done by LS. I could not find anything usefull with google & co, so really would appreciate any hint...

Best Stefan


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Hmmmm those are the ‘big number’ LS stamps.

This could be a very special frame. The first FRS ti were made for Jurgen Beneke who rode them to victory in 1993. I would be astonished if this were not one of the first ones which he rode. He recently auctioned one of them but I know that he had several. They anticipated lots of frame breakages in those early DH events. The V in the number is odd since LS use an all-number system on the Marin ti frames. But the number shape is LS.

I would drop an email to Marin. They will be interested and helpful I think.

Quite a puzzle that is - I had written to Marin without success yet, also to LS. I have stopped the restauration work on the frame until i get more insights, in case its really a special one I don‘t want to be the one devaluing this heritage. Will try writing to them again and contact also Jürgen, maybe there is a reply from him.

But thanks for your comment on the lettering, massive help for me - thanks!
Dont hold you breath whilst awaiting anything useful from marin. I doubt any of their staff would even recognise the bike or been born when it came out.

I sent pictures and email several years ago to their " expert" who replied....thanks for the info, but thats not one of our bikes......

It was a 1989 team marin!
I just found an FRS with this serial number...


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Stephanolo - I came across this fleeting mention of Litespeed/Lynksey’s involvement in the ti FRS:

I am pretty sure that the number punches on your frame are Litespeed pattern.

The history elsewhere also states that the Aluminium FRS was made by Marin ‘under license’ from Doug Bradbury - which opens up the possibility of the ALs being made either by Answer or by Marin’s choice of fabricator. I’ll do some more digging.
Dear Gents,

I am in the happy position owning a 93 Titanium FRS. I was quite stunned seeing the serial number, says V001. Definitely not a typical Marin serial number. I have reached out already to Lightspeed, but they do not have any records sadly (nor Interest).

I was wondering if anyone here can sheet light into that matter, if its "just" a preproduction Asian made frame or the first one done by LS. I could not find anything usefull with google & co, so really would appreciate any hint...

Best Stefan
Hi Stefan, I think I may have owned that at someone as that serial rings a bell, either that one or similar. Where did you find/buy it from?
SavagePower - see you own Manitou FS 1 and 2 - do you know who the fabricators were for those frames?
I've had Manitou FS1,2,3,4, DH with the EFC and also Marin FRS Pine (1993), Team 1993 and 1995 and Ti FRS: 1993: 3 or 4 frames, 1 full bike another 1994 and another 1994 frame, I erm have an addiction to FRS' and Manitou'. Now to answer your question, Doug B licensed Manitou design to Answer, Marin licensed the design from Answer(Marin version less CNC artwork but stronger All and obvious the Ti version.)

I am led to believe (through years of collecting (Marin and Manitou & others) the fabricator were Marin themselves for their FRS bikes. Now exactly who Marin used remains a mystery and I've never been told it was Merlin nor Litespeed who made the Ti FRS' frames. You probably know Litespeed made some of the pre-1995 Team Ti frames and apparently Merlin also made some of them pre-1995 but I don't know what years were Litespeed Vs Merlin on the Team Ti, I 'think' 90/90/91 was Litespeed and Merlin 92/93/94 and then in 1995 they were to the Far East. I have a friend who was Bob B's right hand man so I will ask him if he knows, he had a big impact upon Marin so he may know. I should've asked him by now so it's a good prompt this post and he's a great guy, When I know I'll post here.