Marin Team Titanium (which year model?)

Looks pretty identical to my 91-92 M-T-Ti, apart from the decals,

and as has been said already, it's a Litespeed built frame.
ye when you put it like that I agree with you! It really looks like a litespeed! I`m 174cm and this bike was 52cm at height measured between centre of bb axle to top of seattube (most common way to measure I think)

I used to race the 17,5inch back in the days and this one seems to be around 20,5" hmm,, thats sad because I think i could lay my hand on this for a real nice price :(
who know`s! people got their secret stach and stuff like this are often made for us (retro-dudes) like "velocity-decals" for the stem on kona`s for an example (read about that in a kona-thread on mbrxx-forum something)