Marin Jersey, Bar ends & Crud guard


All PM's replied to - thanks for all the interest, its a bit bitter sweet but glad they are staying in the Retrobike family.

yoeddygrant":3v2k0yzz said:
Are the Salsa quills 22.2? Up fit number 1: if so.

The stem is indeed 22.2

Markybeau":3v2k0yzz said:
Can I dibs no8 until I get chance to look at pics when I get home - out riding

Sure thing. Shout if you need some more pics of them!

stevede":3v2k0yzz said:
very nice mate glws if only funds were flowing :(

Thanks, its taken 12 years to collect this stuff so a labour of love and obsession :cool:
Re: Tioga and spesh Tyres, Barends, Stems, Rims etc most NOS

I have recently bought Middleburn crank, will the spider and arms fit my rs-2?
Excuse my ignorance I'm a novice tbh
Re: Tioga and spesh Tyres, Barends, Stems, Rims etc most NOS

Shoot just saw this - need 22. Oh well next time!
Re: Tioga and spesh Tyres, Barends, Stems, Rims etc most NOS

20. Tioga psycho grey please if the previous one leaves. Thanks