Marin IFT 1995


Dirt Disciple
Hi first post! I'm stripping and rebuilding my IFT, need to replace a few parts (bottom bracket - headset - canti brakes) just wondering if anyone has stripped an ift frame before? whats the best way of getting the laquer off to polish the frame? any idea where i can get new decals?
Thanks Mike
If you look in the bike chat forum or use search you'll find tons of stuff on stripping lacquer.

Nitromors, steel wool or wet & dry paper and then Autosol seems to be the usual.

For decals gil_m is your man.
Aircraft or automotive paint stripper. Get yourself a good mask, and heavy duty gloves. After that, steel wool, polish, a good beer and patience will be your best friend.

Search this forum for Gil, he does wonderful decals. Check my sig for my 94 Nail Trail (I also need to update my pics)

Good luck with the project and welcome!
