I recently bought this bike for £30..frame is great albeit it was pretty grubby and had a lot of heli-tape and it’s residual gunge on it! The previous owner was a lady, who had fitted a terrys lady saddle, high rise stem with a quill-ahead converter. XT v brakes had been retro fitted with travel agents.
The drive train is LX with White Industries crank. The Rear lx shifter had ceased working so a grip shift had been added alongside it as the brake lever and rapid fire shifter are combined!
Pics of frame stripped and cleaned and the cranks....more to follow.
The drive train is LX with White Industries crank. The Rear lx shifter had ceased working so a grip shift had been added alongside it as the brake lever and rapid fire shifter are combined!
Pics of frame stripped and cleaned and the cranks....more to follow.