Marin - Bobcat 1993 ??


Dirt Disciple
Having got my lads Pine Mountain up together I'm contemplating finding something to ride with him. I have an 'old style' Dawes Sardar tourer in very good nick, but I'd like something a bit more MTB'ish.

There is a Marin for sale near looks to be a '93 model, rough as a bears backside, but I got the P.M. up together for around £100 & I reckon that's a result given the price of something of similar quality today.

I can't identify the bike - the paint work, according to the '93 Catalogue, suggests Eldridge Grade or Pine Mountain....dark matt frame with 'light' grey ? joints most of the transfers are worn off & 'at a guess' the seller thinks it says Bobcat Trail.

It does look a lot like this one.....

Ebay 320674896096

but I can't see the Bobcat Trail listed as a 1993 model in the '93 Catalogue in the Archive.

Were there 'grey' imports, or late entry models not catalogued ?

If it is likely to be a very rough, tatty & probably messed about with Bobcat Trail, where were they in the 'pecking order' of models ?


Just done some 'research' to try and help, and I couldn't find 'owt either. Apart from this...

Hope this helps - it looks pretty much like the one on ebay that you posted, and even though the '93 catalogue doesn't have one - other years have two catalogues and, obviously, you aren't the only one who's seen that your bike actually exists.

But - unfortunately - the 'Bobcat Trails' I have found in other years have been either at the bottom, or one up from the bottom, in the 'pecking order' of Marin bikes.

:shock: Hmm.....the one I'm looking at locally looks like that......only "that" if it had been used a a Skip Scraping tool for 6 months :roll: ;)

But it goes to show they were about.....I've told the bloke that is what he's got. It's still a bit of a wreck though, although there may be a fair few original bit's on it.....just worn out & kna*ered, in need of replacement, original bit's !