The bike looks great!! I don't think the Kool Stop pads were original though.... memories of the Bear Valley is that it always was the Marin bargin. Good frame and always with nice equipment. Exage was a great group. Solid and precise. Later the STX took over and it was equally good.
The Bear Valey SE was equipped with STX racing as I can remember. You did'nt get that much more out of that group but it looked slightly better.
I liked the Bear Valley and would often reccoment it to customers just like the Palisades who was the bargain in the level lower than BV. memories of the Bear Valley is that it always was the Marin bargin. Good frame and always with nice equipment. Exage was a great group. Solid and precise. Later the STX took over and it was equally good.
The Bear Valey SE was equipped with STX racing as I can remember. You did'nt get that much more out of that group but it looked slightly better.
I liked the Bear Valley and would often reccoment it to customers just like the Palisades who was the bargain in the level lower than BV.