March 20th - Sherwood Pines

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may have a plus one, or even two. fingers crossed this weather stays okay and it dries a tad.....
Hi guys, my name is Andy, and i've done a few rides with the North yorkshire group, with a friend of mine, Keith. We would like to join you on Sunday if that's ok?
Think we will both be on the modern alternative for this outing too.
Be nice to meet some members of another group.
Hope to find you guys at the Trailhead, or car park, whichever.
Been a while since i've ridden at the 'Pines'... Keith has ridden it a few times latley though!
See you at 9.30.

I'm down and my first ride of the year... Err well far more than the year, probably last year too.

It's a nice place to have a gentle bimble and chat. We can break off in to groups or you can nip off with the family if you take them or go for a quick loop record.

It's as easy riding as you want there. There is an *extreme* Downhill, ok it a flat down hill with a few bumps in it, bit crap but fun few a minute or so.

Hopefully still only 4quid to park.

Weather forecast looks pretty good, dry at least.

Looks like the best retrobike turnout for quite some time even if some are on modern.
Re: Re:

chrisv40":iko5ladq said:
Weather forecast looks pretty good, dry at least.

Looks like the best retrobike turnout for quite some time even if some are on modern.

Excellent - been far too long since I saw all those ugly mugs! :lol: Kiran's confirmed too, so we'll be four in total, although I must apologise in advance for the limited retroness :oops:
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