Hi Guys, long time no speak!
I fished my old Manitou FS out of my Dads garage the other day and it's in a right state! I took some bad advice a few years back and stripped the anodising off to try and polish it up but it looks terrine now. Does anyone know where I can can get it stripped down and polished back to its former glory? I very nearly had that bike finished and I'd like to get it back on the road do I can come out with you lot again
Ben aka Liam
I fished my old Manitou FS out of my Dads garage the other day and it's in a right state! I took some bad advice a few years back and stripped the anodising off to try and polish it up but it looks terrine now. Does anyone know where I can can get it stripped down and polished back to its former glory? I very nearly had that bike finished and I'd like to get it back on the road do I can come out with you lot again
Ben aka Liam