Manitou - 99/2000 fork servicing


Retrobike Rider
Righty-o, i have a set of Manitou triple clamp(?) forks that im servicing.



i'm not exact on model type so if anyone is sure please feel free to advise!

replacing the fork oil and realised i have ordered 7.5wt rather than 5wt.
anyone know what the real differene bwteeen these are in terms of how rebound/compression damping?

would i actually feel the difference?
service manual recommends 5wt

If you're very heavy it may be better.
To be honest though fill it and try it.
You can always drain and fill with other oil later.

If there is adjustable rebound/damping try soft to start then ramp it up to see if its for you.
The amount of people I chat to who do not try the full damping range to see what the settings are makes me wonder why companies even bother sometimes. The difference can make a horrible fork loverly.

Like I said if it's still not feeling or rebounding fast enough (or compressing) then switch to the lighter but same brand oil.

Brand shouldn't but do vary.
thanks for the advice and info - i was planning on just getting the oil in and checking it out. hopefully the rebound/damping system still works fine - i remember before this service that the TPC and compression settings didnt seem to do much, but i cant tell if it had enough oil in or not (didnt measure it when i poured it all out).... :roll: