malverns classic

i've got some 1991 malvern photo's to scan, back in a little while...some great ones there mate!
glad you like em took me ages to to scan and split and reduce into seperate do i get an anodised pace (in red thank you) for my efforts.have to admit they are one of my favourite after the san andreas.... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Amazing photos - I never got my shit together to go - wish I had now! I take it that's a young Steve Peat on the Kona (with the DH clobber)...? And would that be the HD JMC went on to ride? :-(

Mr K
i take a camera everywhere i go just in case i see also a builder so if you want to see several thousand piccies of two houses being restored (both were over 300 years old ) i can do that may take a while to post em tho :LOL: that took 4 and half years to do heh
clunker":1a4xupf0 said:
Like the Mountain Cycle photo, I was on the stand as I was working for E Ltd who were the importers and the manufacturers of ECCE cycle helmets. Still in touch with the fella who run it he now imports hottubs.

lol I remember him, was his name Andrew? Had a yellow Chevette?
I remember the 1st year he really plugged the helmet; Team MBUK and Fusion team riders had them too
Both Oli and I had the white one and Carl (Sturgeon) had a distinctive gold one. Very comfy good helmet.
Great pics

I've only been once and I think that was in 1993...JMC was riding a jellybean Salsa with a Disc Drive and really stying it up out of the bombhole :D
some great memories..some not so great. The lad who was killed was my friend, Alex P. He intervened to try and stop a fight and was stabbed once through the heart. Died there and then.
Lad that did it - (still have his name tucked away) was wasted and allegedly couldnt remember doing it. He served a short sentence
I never went back. Sad thing is Alex only decided to come with us the day before and (unfortunately???) I had space in the car.........

We went for the partying and fun, lusting over the bikes and chilling. We were Team Moose and loved it. Another case of the midless few.......