Making a 'profit'


Retrobike Rider
BoTM Winner
Been a bit of griping lately about people buying things through the forum, or on ebay, and then selling at a profit.
The reason I bring this up is this... I'm thinking of selling 3 of my bikes. Two of them I picked up at what I think was a bargain price on ebay.
Is it then out of order to ask for market rate for these bikes, when members on here know what I paid for them?
I didn't buy them as a profit making scheme (and in the case of one of them, I've spent a lot on it since purchase) so should I feel guilty about asking for what they're worth?
One of them is a piece of English mtb history and in pretty much mint condition.
This is the issue.... if we chastise people for making a profit, then they will just sell on ebay and these bikes leave our community :?
Sell them for what your willing to let them go for, just because you got them for a bargain doesn't mean you have to diddle yourself. You've done the work and the research so if the sellers didn't get what they were worth thats there fault. Forum opinions vary wildly so do what you feel comfortable with and you should be guilt free. :)
Im new on here but here is my 2 cents..

Have you ever seen Trust Me I'm a Dealer on BBC? Paul Martin antiques dealer basically takes a member of the publics money and through buying and selling through the trade (his collegues and mates) he flips antiques for a quick buck.

At the time,I suppose the dealers who buy bits off him dont know exactly what he is making on each item, but they do know that he is making a profit. Certainly when the programme goes out, they will see exactly how much he made, but as long as the buyer is happy with the price (and they wouldnt buy it if they werent) then no complaints. They all know how the trade works.

Exactly the same as one here, or RadBMX that I frequent, or Edition 38 (VW site) or Rebelscum (Star Wars toys site that I used to be involved with). Maybe you give a mate a preferential rate, but on the whole you shouldnt feel bad about turning a quick profit. It happens in every market across the world, so no reason why not here. Also the deals you got on ebay were available to everyone, so no one can have any complaints if you did all the leg work, took a few gambles etc and will reap the benefits.

Anybody who says different is either deluded or jealous of your good fortunes.
I personally think its upto the seller to ask what they want, and others should keep their opinions to themselves.

Why not sell things for more if you got it for a bargain?

hoegaardenadds1":1muokz7y said:
i would have no problem on you making a profit

Nor do I :LOL: And I wonder where the money will be spent..... :D

It was more of a subjective question given some recent griping about re-selling of parts etc. Nobody wants to see people 'cashing in' on the recent popularity of retro-biking, but it would be a shame if people were put-off advertising on here for fear of being pulled up on prices etc.

I only mentioned it as I did stop and think about what I should ask for my bikes, and I wouldn't have done that 6 months ago
I think the only thing that bothers RB members is when someone either pleads poverty to get cheap stuff and then flips it for profit or when someone receives a 'karma' item free or well below value and then sells it on for a profit.

Profiting from your own good luck seems fair enough to me.
mechagouki":2es0drcn said:
I think the only thing that bothers RB members is when someone either pleads poverty to get cheap stuff and then flips it for profit or when someone receives a 'karma' item free or well below value and then sells it on for a profit.

Profiting from your own good luck seems fair enough to me.

Completely agree with this.
I personally think its upto the seller to ask what they want, and others should keep their opinions to themselves.
I've heard the mods say that many a time,and even lock someones thread because of subjective comments.

Many sell here for profit
IE XT m739 V's sell at about £25-£30 for a bikes worth,if you get them for a tenner and sell them for the going rate then i cant see the harm in that.

Constant selling at cost or at a loss[even only a few pounds]will kill the love and put you in the poorhouse :?