mag 21 / judy experts


Kona Fan
I have a load of bits which should make a nice pair of mag 21's.
I also have 4 nos cartridges, one in ano red - any ideas?, no idea how you fit them etc. Basically a mate has sent me a load of rebuild kits, mag 21 long travel kits, springs, elastomers etc - an absolute minefield of bits that his bike shop are unlikely to ever use again!

Anyone got any pics of mag 21 internals & upgrades?


Hi Rich

Yup downloaded that badboy but I have all sorts of bits here. Long travel upgrades, different cartridges etc. So I need to find some photos of a totally exploded mag 21 & judy for reference.

I have some mag 21's with a cracked lower, but I now have a new spare leg so I can rebuild them, only trouble is they have been dissembowled big time, I have the pipe that connects to the air valve out of them etc - doh :oops:

Cheers for the link, I may need the other one too ;-)
Mag 21 don´t take cartridges, they just appeared in Judy´s era...

I could use some of those Mag 21 Long travel kits... do you have any spare one? Got pics? I can help you mounting those...
cheers guys

As soon as I have sifted throught the massive bag I'll know what I have / dont have

pics later in the week