MacRetro Trading Post

Carlton bargain in Edinburgh

Quick someone snap this up. ... 1089660288

I could kick myself i did not see this on Gumtree (I'm/was watching it on ebay with view to having a snipe if it does not go much above the £45 starting price) , been to Edinburgh yesterday to pick up a bike for my son… but probably won't be able to go again for a few weeks. I'm sure it will be gone by then unless close inspection reveals it to be in bad condition…
Rotten ba5tered with 2 feedback, pipped me at the post today over an XT m739 crankset :evil: Got outbid but the usual quid but it was an 8am finish and i was highest bidder as of 3am. Didnt want to look when i got home today and thought i might just have got it.
Alas not :cry:

It was very nice too, both logo's in undamaged condition :cry:
Start using a snipe tool! Most of them are free unless you do silly amounts of bidding!

The bidding process (from a buyers perspective anywway) is flawed.

Why is it that the fist bid ineveitably ends up atrracting more bids even if its something that has been relisted 3 times and nobody wanted it?

It usually attracts somone that gets carried away and ends up bidding more than you can buy it for regularly.

Then there are the people that (repeatedly) manually increase thier bid by a quid at a time until they are the higest bidder (again)….

So for me Bidding the max i considder reasonable at the last second kind of restores it to an authentic bidding process based on waht the item value is to the highest bidder, rather than what the value of winning over the other bidders is to someone...

I usually forget/something important comes up/momentary IT Laps etc. prevents me from bidding in person…
That said the hassle of setting up the snipe quite often means I end up procrastinating setting it up and the above still applies anyway...
I think you need to be there at the end and bid then :?
It was at £30 and i was intending to put in £46(post £5) which i did @ 3am. That bid sat there with no other bidders till the end where the chap with the good alarmclock upped the bid and won.
Other than mine there were no bids above £30 from the 3am i bid till it finishing at 8:50am. So had i went to bed early and got up for it the chances are i would have won it at that. I dont snipe really, i put in my max amount at the end come what may. Sniping you end up committing more that you would given youve more time to do it in. One bid win or lose and i went outside that usual remit and lost because of it :?

Sorry, I don't mean to patronise.
Maybe you missunderstand what a snipe tool does? Or even Ebay?
If the bid is at £30 it means that there is only 1 bid potentially higer than £30 at present. Not that the maximum amount anyone has bid is £30.

If you bid regularly with your maximum or £46 if nobody else bids above £30 you will win the auction at £31 even though your max bid was £46.

A sniper is a computer program or website that delays a normal ebay bid to the last few seconds of the auction.
You tell it the maximum amout you'r willing to pay (£46.-) for the Item.
It then places this bid in your abscence with a few seconds to go.
If the guy with the good alarm clock had it actually in his mind to just bid £45 you win as he won't have time to reconsider and ramp it up to £47. If he was going to max bid £50 in the first place you still lose out... but at least you did not have to sacrifice your weekend lie in for that.
been using esnipe for years - doesn't always work, not sure if thats down to system glitches or other bidders using more advanced software, but most of the time it works a treat - input how high you will go and esnipe does the rest.
Ach naw, nae bother 8)

I have to admit im in no way clued up with these things :? but they do strike me as gimmicky and a bit hit or miss
But a sniper would do this -
Current bid and bid to be the highest bidder and at that point it would have stopped

First thing this morning the original high bid would bid again and keep on till my snipe tool runs out of funds. As far as i can see the snipe tool only is good to keep bidding, theres no tactic :?
In fact if we both employed a snipe tool then wouldnt they just bid away against each other until one ran out of funds :? at which point unless the auction is actually finished a 3rd bidder could take it.
The bid software places your maximum bid just before the auction ends - usually 6 seconds, but you can custom set it. If you place the highest bid you should in theory win. The only times it has let me down is when my esnipe bid matches the winning bid, but I didn't win. The highest bidder will always win, whether they use bidding software or not.

Andy, a sniper does not bid before the latest it can before the bidding ends. So it doesn't get into an incremental bidding war as there's no time in remaining seconds of auction for a manual bidder to re-bid higher. Of course if 2 bidders are using a sniper the one with the highest bid set will win.
I nearly always bid with less than 10 seconds to go, only bidding earlier if I can't be there at end, with my maximum bid to stop those people who keep upping their bid just because they have to win. Obviously I'm often outbid but that's my decision on what I've set my max bid at.