MacRetro Trading Post

Rob still has an old C60 with this that he recorded off the Top 40 in 1986. When he is feeling weak and the urge to buy bikes he doesn't need is strong, he dons the old headphones, has a wee lie down and drifts off to the sounds of those chirpy teenagers.
zigzag":3qoolh2g said:
Rob still has an old C60 with this that he recorded off the Top 40 in 1986. When he is feeling weak and the urge to buy bikes he doesn't need is strong, he dons the old headphones, has a wee lie down and rubs off to the sounds of those chirpy teenagers.

How dare you say that aboot Rob.

And thank feck that Kona is too big fer me, please, tell me it's too big, please.
zigzag":28m6f9yt said:
Rob still has an old C60 with this that he recorded off the Top 40 in 1986. When he is feeling weak and the urge to buy bikes he doesn't need is strong, he dons the old headphones, has a wee lie down and drifts off to the sounds of those chirpy teenagers.

I've just checked its a WM36 with Graphic Equalizer as it happins 8)

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