MacRetro Trading Post

RobMac":3m7wyg20 said:
Anybody interested in a full set of cheap camping pots'n'pans new/unused for FREE?
Comprises, 3 pots, 2 lids one of which must be the frying pan, kettle and a handle for the pans.

Packed size is 140mm high X 220mm dia (BTW I cant be arsed posting so pickup only) :wink:

would love this Rob, signed up with a few old pals to walk the west highland way next Easter and camping seems to be the way we are going with the trip- so a few pans would be grand. :xmas-big-grin:
Mr P, 20 odd Chouinard axes or just 20 odd axes? The Chouinard must be worth a bit, looks mint.
And the man himself Yvon is still with us. :D

I've a total of 3 axes, 2 Mountain Technology Vertige climbing axes and one walking axe I made. Made the head from spring steel with an alloy shaft about 25 years ago.
old_coyote_pedaller":k96ntut7 said:
Mr P, 20 odd Chouinard axes or just 20 odd axes? The Chouinard must be worth a bit, looks mint.
And the man himself Yvon is still with us. :D

I've a total of 3 axes, 2 Mountain Technology Vertige climbing axes and one walking axe I made. Made the head from spring steel with an alloy shaft about 25 years ago.

20ish axes but around half are Chouinard Zeros and Frosts, plus a couple of mk1 Lowe Hummingbirds :D
I did sell a few Zeros for an awful lot of dollars a few years back, one in particular went stellar - I was gobsmacked at the time but also quite happy - paid off me overdraft :D

I let one go every now and again when I need beer tokens or petrol money :xmas-wink:

Always like the early Vertiges but kept my Chacal/Barracuda and terrors instead. Had a new pick fitted by the man himself at the Peck establishment/shed (cant call it a factory) in Leicester where they were made around 1986, nice guy too.
I was going to ask you why you had so many axes till I remembered we're on RetroBike, we don't do just the one or two of anything. :lol:

Always wanted Chacal/Barracudas because I thought they looked good but no money to spare at the time.
It was Hamish MacInnes the designed/made the terrors/terrordactyls(?) wasn't it? Had a mate who had a pair, they looked rather industrial and short to me with really steep angled picks.
clockworkgazz":31qmran5 said:
would love this Rob, signed up with a few old pals to walk the west highland way next Easter and camping seems to be the way we are going with the trip- so a few pans would be grand. :xmas-big-grin:

OK young man their yours :)
you are a gentleman and a scholar- I will now need to get my arse over to fife between now and easter to pick it up- need to pick your brains whilst I am over about planning etc.... 8)
old_coyote_pedaller":3qkcoctb said:
I was going to ask you why you had so many axes till I remembered we're on RetroBike, we don't do just the one or two of anything. :lol:

aH that explains why I have so many fishing rods and reels...