MacRetro Trading Post

Cruel to be kind an all that but I wouldn't give anymore than £75 tops, and even then I wouldn't be giving you it. BSO in disguise (poor disguise). Sorry.
Is it really? I know it is the current BSO design but I thought it was from around 2000 and a little better than that, It was i believe 6-800 new so I thought it was a decent bike despite the design.
Dont agree with Kaiser as its not URT which would mark it out as BSO. Its not a particularly nice looking bike as it is very BSO reminicent but if it has good groupset and decent suspension then it'd be OK from a riding experience. Univega's full sussers have always seemed pretty reasonable to me.
thats a univega ram of some sort

pre-bso ,bso , were about 7/800 quid right enough

crc were selling various of those frames around 2003/4 or so for £49.95 each
I don't see much to differentiate it too much from THIS but I'll concede my knowledge of these is somewhat limited and I'm going on looks alone. For £200 I'd be after summat a bit better.

I guess it is better than THIS

But how did ye not notice THIS?
The first one, the Saracen matches my description of URT BSO but not quite as they were cresting on the very final stages of the URT boom before it did go BSO. The Trax is very definitely BSO especially as Trax are a proper no ones heard of company. The last one is well cool, someone should nab that :wink:
looking for a small frame to build wifey another bike :roll:

so a 14/15" alloy frame or even a complete bike
tho i might build the 16" timberline i have somewhare if i can find it

tho she might be better with an open frame thing

all considered :lol:
TBH I'm thinking it may appeal to the leisure rider more than the serious mtb'r . If its clean and working he might get good money, still mibee a bit rich. Did you also notice the Haro full sus for £190. Again not something I'd buy but would pick it over the vega.
Mikee, I have a scruffy Raleigh Twenty frame and fork with AHeadset conversion and brand spanking 20 x 1&3/8th inch alloy rimmed wheels including a new 5 speed sturmey archer hub and gear selector (originals were 3 speed and steel rimmed). Make a perfect town bike for your good lady :wink: