MacRetro Rides Calendar 2015 - Join us!

I'll no be there then, I only ever picked GT because I'm a selfish bugger and since I was organising it I chose the place closest to me. I dont do runs far from my local in mid winter which is why you dont see me at Bawbags either. So go for it Keith, Frolics is your event now, put it where you want.
I would however recommend a trail centre as they are all weather with facilities. Having two old school midwinter events on backwood trails a month apart in mid winter might divide attendances. So one new school trail centre meet and Bawbags as the old school might keep sufficient interest as they are different.
Fair comment V, forgot that frolics was usually at GT, actually had in my mind that we would be doing GT another day lol.

Usually get good attendance at frolics if weather not too bad so will keep it for there.