MacRetro chat and rides thread

velomaniac":2cbb2jws said:
What's happened to the dynamic duo from way pop north ?
Jamie and Brian seem uncharacteristically quiet :?

Don't worry mate, we are still around and getting a few rides in :)
I have been quiet for a while as after writing off my car I had a few weeks of commuting solely by LHTrucker and then I had my hard drive die on my computer which gave me a good excuse to not be online so much. Spent a week or so with the family in Tenerife, soaking up the good life to then return to the glorious weather that is Scotland! Brian was up the a couple of weekends ago and we got in a few miles on one of the good days with some sun, though still bloody cold.
We spent a nice Saturday putting in a few miles on some quiet roads trying to dodge the freezing headwinds. Ended up out at 'Groats for some warm lunch getting back just before dark. Was good to catch up with Brian.
Most likely would have been down for a ride this weekend with Brian but my car failed it's MOT this week and the parts won't be in until Tuesday. Nothing major just a couple of tiny things but still a pain. That's life and always could be worse, could have been a bike off the road ;)


23632010_1339287282866679_566749799454354152_o by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

23632430_1339287219533352_5548466184866579638_o by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

23659554_1339287246200016_7897555906333616519_n by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

(my God! a road with a slight bend! )
23632537_1339287806199960_2987374056982618532_o by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Question for the Road Fags :mrgreen:

Which model of br/ifter levers did Shimano first introduce that had both the brake & gear cables running along the bars (droops) and not across the gap between the hoods, 9 speed & canti brakes compatible BTW.

"Droops"?? You should ask your Doc to change your meds Rob :lol:

No idea, I'm not that much of a Fag, sorry to disappoint you :mrgreen:

Does it need to be period spec? 9-speed would have started with Dura Ace I would imagine.
Re: Re:

jimo746":xf8jr9gu said:
Does it need to be period spec? 9-speed would have started with Dura Ace I would imagine.

What it is is my touring bike its fitted with droops and I'm struggling to get my Ortlieb bar bag fitted because because the cables are getting in the way. Which year/period doesn't matter.
9 speed Dura Ace and all others were gear cable across the gap so maybe 7800 10 speed was first? I've never gone past 7700 or any 9 speed.
Campagnolo do Spinal Tap brifters, they go up to 11 ;)

Don’t suppose any of you fine Northern brothers can pick up a bike in Edinburgh can you ?

Been messaged by Rob, asking me to let you know that he's died.
Or at least his computer has. He thought you might worry if he's not active (on the classifieds) and were beginning to think he'd frozen to death after spending all his winter fuel allowance on XTR.

Apparently he can't even access the site on the library's computers.....

........ after being banned for that unfortunate incident involving that 16 year old girl and the rubber gimp suit.

Anyway I'm off to the for sale section to post a whole load of cross linked ads with no price :lol: