MacRetro chat and rides thread

Try the ardgarten route it should be right up your street Rumble done it last night got lost a few time and finished well into dark hours as took the wrong route not the best signed so take a map.
The Ken":3t6l3sm5 said: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

That's feckin insane I watch about 1.17 before they let the climbers past on a (belay) should have sounded alarm bells :shock:
RobMac":3iz9ozcy said:
The Ken":3iz9ozcy said: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

That's feckin insane I watch about 1.17 before they let the climbers past on a (belay) should have sounded alarm bells :shock:

I've done the Aonach Eagach ridge both summer and in full winter conditions, ice and snow. Winter involved full winter-climbing gear, ice-axes/crampons but that pair of "climbers" doing ridge in summer roped-up and with a climbing rack FFS, what a pair of fannies. :roll:

The guys on MTBs while not fannies were asking for trouble humping their bikes along there. Several bits require both hands on rock to proceed, easy peasy scrambling but there's rather large drops either side if you feck it up dragging a bike. As can be seen 2.45 minutes in. It's not the only bit either.

Hope they also just used that blue rope to pull up or drop down their bikes as it's fecking useless as a safety rope. :shock:

On the other hand they tried and it would seem they succeeded. 8)
The guys in that video come across like a right pair of nobbers! I know we've all got access to the hills to do with as we please but you've got to take some responsibility on your shoulders. Those guys didn't look like they had proper kit in case the weather turns, didn't know where they were going and one of them set off into a group of walkers like a teenager showing off! People would do well to remember it's not just their lives they're risking. Apart from all that, I think the lack of actual riding in the video means they realised they'd had a pretty rubbish idea in the first place!

I applaud them for searching out new experiences, but I think that one would have been better left at the idea stage...

I was only joking with my comments above, the comment is true but not for these knobs as it does not cover idiocy :wink:

Seems like you lot were as critical of these guys in print as I was in thought but held back expressing it.
The reason for that is I've done some very risky climbs rock and ice climbing, and in my younger days paddled some whitewater that thinking back, now, was plainly stupid but at the time gave me an adrenalin buzz. So I don't like to criticise people doing what gives them their buzz. Except, of course when they don't know what they are doing.

I can still hear my Dad saying he thought rock climbing was daft and people who went out to climb the hills in winter shouldn't be allowed to do it, he couldn't understand why I risked my life whitewater canoeing or was still playing rugby in my late 40's.

He seemed to forget what he had done as a teenager, joined up (underage) to fight and ended up as a navigator/bomb aimer in the RAF. He said he enjoyed his 6 years of war ( his buzz) but still couldn't relate to my or others enjoyment of risk-taking.