MacRetro chat and rides thread

Looks like I've got a pass for the Lakes :D

OK, since everyone on here apart from mikee is now a roadie... Road bar question. Midge Bar for the b.e Trek - I'm liking the idea of the wider/less deep drops on the Midge. Currently, I only ever use the drops when tucking in for some downhill and the rest of the time I spend on the hoods (sidenote: yes, probably a bike fit issue given it's a wee bit on the small side).

So it seems I'm more likely to get a 2nd hand position with Midge's, ie. The drops are likely to be more comfy given there's less of a drop - I don't think the extra width would be much of an issue.

Anyone any experience with them, or thoughts on the above? They're £13 at the mo on the website, finding it hard to resist just giving it a try.
Canna help you with the bars ZZ - but Mikee is deffo a roadie - he's got that special "come hither" glint in his eye :shock:

if you get my drift

and he likes big dugs :P
Just switched over to midges, I love them, they are wide and the brifters sit at a similar angle to my xlite ski bends, I've taped the top and put foam shaped grips on the drops. They are great for climbing, wish i'd found them a year back. This excitement is from 4 days use, yet to do a long ride, i'll report back after the weekend.
Good feedback TK, assuming the hoods are bit further out than a standard bar then that'd definitely be another plus for climbing - I really notice the lack of leverage in the current bars.

Be interesting to hear how you get on with them on a longer ride. How far, and what route you planning for the w/end?
Just a local loop, and depends on when I get up, aiming for 20-30miles inside of 2 hours. If I get up earlier I might extend it. Need to be back for 10.30 for the kids saturday clubs.

This is the start of the training and all the rides will be "what ever the weather"

Got to get some long hills in so I'll get a good idea of the climbing but it seem good so far on the short 10% climbs I do on the commute home
Lakes Raid...

Right, I have a conditional pass from home (tidy my shit up and plan some DIY) but work is the issue now :evil: - I don't have a pass :( :evil:
I can't commit to this till very close to the date and my boss thinks it will be hectic at the end of feb (it already is now).

Means I am reluctant to book a hotel/b&b - if you 2 want to book something go ahead.
No chance for me, working all weekend and holidays are already earmarked for other stuff. The weather is too much of a gamble to waste time off.
If the weather is anything like this weekend it will be fantastic - I can offer a lift Velo if I go but I am a big maybe on this as it is the final week before we deliver this project I'm on. At the moment it is not looking good.

If I go 4 bikes on the roof and 4 in the car will be fine but overnight security for the bikes might be an issue (might get them all in the car if we dismantle them though)

I don't know if Eck and ZZ are going if I don't yet