MacRetro chat and rides thread

yeah I think I could swing that one- big distance but looks proper xc stuff. Let's face it you will do the shakedown at the event car park- do you have a plan b if the bike guy let's you down?

Reg. Is 8.30 to 9.30 so we prob want to be sharp on sat morning.
Plan B is the GT, at this rate I'll never get rid of it :roll:
To round things off nicely I think the Yo may be too small for me :( Still has a stuck post but doin a wee bit of sizing next to the Wicked and I'm 40mm shorter on top tube and 70mm shorter on seat tube. As much as I could get a post to fit, the saddle to bar drop may be a tad too much. Headtubes short enough as it is.
clockworkgazz":1475w0rd said:
:lol: :lol:

to be fair, velo is a bit of a racing whippet. I still don't understand why he is not bringing one of his retro stead's to represent the macretro massive at kielder?

Because Velo is much cleverer than your average MacRetro and he knows his history. Flodden Field ring any bells? :twisted:

We'll hae nae mair lilting, at the yowe-milking,
Women and bairns are dowie and wae.
Sighing and moaning, on ilka green loaning,
The flowers of the forest are all wede away

Let the battle begin :lol:
What's this fae the south we hear?
Brave words easily spoken fae deep in his lair
But Si! Beware of Scotsmen bearing crockery
For we'll no stand ony o this cheap mockery
For the morra in Kielder you've sealed your fate
When we hand yer arse to ye oan a plate!
The Ballad of Kielder Burn

O'er the border did four vile Scots clonk,
all bright colour'd lycra and steeds that were shonk,
wi lashings of haggis and Irn of Brew,
to be slain by the swords o Saints Andy, Si and Drew.

Inch by inch the saltaire was torn,
on blood red battlefield that Octoberfest morn.
And o'er said border did those MacRetro flee
from Knights of St George, vain warriors three.

And naer again shall Scotsmen boast,
when faced wi those Saints who bide by the coast.
For lessons wer learn'd on that bloody day
That the English are real men and Scots are all gay.
