MacRetro chat and rides thread

I just though we might need Retrobike on it, to save explaining what ecurie macretro actually meant to all you southerners when you eventually meet us on the other side of the finish line.

Yes, I suspect we will eventually meet you on the other side of the finish line. It will be quite a wait* but I'm going to take something to eat and a good book and make the most of a few hours of R&R. Its the taking part that's important though guys, so take heart.

*Thats if any of youse make it, Velo has quit weeks before the start!!
Dr S":3g3np7qm said:
I just though we might need Retrobike on it, to save explaining what ecurie macretro actually meant to all you southerners when you eventually meet us on the other side of the finish line.

Yes, I suspect we will eventually meet you on the other side of the finish line. It will be quite a wait* but I'm going to take something to eat and a good book and make the most of a few hours of R&R. Its the taking part that's important though guys, so take heart.

*Thats if any of youse make it, Velo has quit weeks before the start!!

Damn, I thought I'd worded that so you couldn't do that to me Si :)
Top work TheKen! I'm voting for 4. The Retrobike along the top makes it a bit busy IMHO

So this crazy enduro talk... Hmmm, ask me after Kielder. I like the idea of some night riding, maybe not quite so much in the freezing weather. Will probably give it a whirl myself this winter anyway, not sure about them mega distances though. The riding I've done trying to build myself up for Keilder I've enjoyed, but it'd be a shame to push it over the edge where it becomes a chore - I need to enjoy my time in the saddle. Mind you, if Kaiser has some spiffy training plan that means I don't have to do 12 hour training rides....
Dr S":ezw6pes7 said:
I just though we might need Retrobike on it, to save explaining what ecurie macretro actually meant to all you southerners when you eventually meet us on the other side of the finish line.

Yes, I suspect we will eventually meet you on the other side of the finish line. It will be quite a wait* but I'm going to take something to eat and a good book and make the most of a few hours of R&R. Its the taking part that's important though guys, so take heart.

*Thats if any of youse make it, Velo has quit weeks before the start!!

We've been here before with other englander types, lots of talk before a race and we know what happened there, the macretro boys are gonna get you ne team of 1
Her ya go velo


4 or 8 for me, nice and balanced 8) And TK top work indeed 8)
zigzag":89d7ie4w said:
Top work TheKen! I'm voting for 4. The Retrobike along the top makes it a bit busy IMHO

So this crazy enduro talk... Hmmm, ask me after Kielder. I like the idea of some night riding, maybe not quite so much in the freezing weather. Will probably give it a whirl myself this winter anyway, not sure about them mega distances though. The riding I've done trying to build myself up for Keilder I've enjoyed, but it'd be a shame to push it over the edge where it becomes a chore - I need to enjoy my time in the saddle. Mind you, if Kaiser has some spiffy training plan that means I don't have to do 12 hour training rides....

Agree on all accounts, you are a very intelligent man. Yes lets see how keen we are a few weeks after Keilder. I have a fair idea of the Enduro calendar so we could shoot some ideas about and decide then.
ps any MacRetro Lurkers please pipe up with the logo suggestions
I don't think we need the retrobike bit at the top, keeps it mysterious and lowkey. A quick Google points ye here anyway. :D

ps I had also thought about a blog, now I know nothing of them apart from reading them. The Velocake one is quite good, something along those lines keep our good pics on it and race/ride reports. Less chatter maybe the ride outs too. Well we've got a logo an all, and gazz's pic for a banner.
1 & 5 for me, cant see why 4 & 8 look balanced, seems lopsided IMHO.

As for enduro's, only up for large team summer jaunts like Mayhem. I personally do not like riding in the dark with only headlight illumination. I have trouble picking a good line in daylight thus in the dark crashes would go up tenfold :shock:

I think my participation in the MacRetro monster I created is starting to leave me behind. I'm not a racer and cannot get fit enough with my health issues to enjoy racing. I'll stick to SS as this precedes retrobike for me and as we all now know is a complete piss take.

I think I'm principally a MacRetro meets guy not a Ecurie MacRetro sportsman :roll:


Also note to Gaz, read my messages, I called Northumbrians shandy sipping southerners but said Dr S was not included :roll: