MacRetro chat and rides thread

bummer, here's hoping it works next time- btw were did you get the caustic and can you remember how much it cost- think I'll need to do some cranks to get off some anodising.
fingers crossed- I really want to see the yo up and riding asap, however with your bike backlog not sure that is going to happen to soon, the salsa getting there?- indeed ZZ hows the stumpie project coming along?

Cooks are going I think, did put them on the dale but they don't really work fat tubes thin arms= wrong, anyone before the for sale thread?

anyone got a 27.2 post in silver while I'm asking?
I picked up the caustic soda in Boots in their home section, it was £2.50 I think. Crazy, couldn't find it in B&Q or Homebase... I know you're a sensible lad, but I'll say it anyway - gloves and goggles, and when you mix it add it gradually to water, NOT the other way around. And make sure you're somewhere well ventilated - interesting fumes...

Stumpy build still stalled, cable set was posted on Sat, so hopefully here tomorrow. Waiting on a BB and fresh pads from CRC too, and then I can start chucking it together. Aiming for shakedown at the weekend, possibly Thursday if I get my arse in gear and the parts get here in time.

Didn't get to the PO today, will get the stuff off tomorrow.
Spacers and donuts posted Gazz, hopefully postie strike won't delay 'em too much. I chucked in a couple of cassette spacers too - maybe spoils the aesthetics, but handy for getting the chainline just right. I think the spacer stack was just slightly too small when it came to putting the lockring on too, so they'll help.
zigzag":1naq9wit said:
Spacers and donuts posted Gazz, hopefully postie strike won't delay 'em too much. I chucked in a couple of cassette spacers too - maybe spoils the aesthetics, but handy for getting the chainline just right. I think the spacer stack was just slightly too small when it came to putting the lockring on too, so they'll help.

top man thank you- black cable crimps ordered too :wink:
anyone else fancy this trumpton trip (was a great day out last time), reckon I can swing it at home but would be good to travel down with a few good men?
clockworkgazz":2hn0x6ki said:
anyone else fancy this trumpton trip (was a great day out last time), reckon I can swing it at home but would be good to travel down with a few good men?
Very keen, but as usual need to confirm childcare arrangements. Should know by tonight. Only 100 miles for me according to google maps, so not too far either :) Who knew Englundland was so close?