MacRetro chat and rides thread

Think I actually thought about this form/funtion thing when I was procrastinating over the canti/v thing with cameron's miniclockwork build and really had to come down on the side of v's (just like you zigzag with your daughters bike) us old duffers can con ourselves into thinking cantis are the dugs baws but when it's your own wee fellas- get the best you can get :wink:

That would be top on the spacer front ZigZag- do you need my address? Any suggestions on a road SS gear ratio for the dale- got the wheels and slicks on tonight and going with that scott bendy bar thing for some varied hand positions and I should be all set. (BTW suntour cantis on this one :lol: :lol: )
Gazz, PM me your surname, I've got still got your address from last week.

Pics of the Dale when it's done - are you using the self energising Suntour ones? That's what I've got on the Stumpie, still waiting on the pads and cables though. Ratio - 42:16? Sure Kaiser or Velo will weigh in here though with a recommendation based on having actually experienced some SS on the road...
Gazz, when the kids with canti's are pointin at Cams V's you just tell them its for safety :lol: Only kidding. Your dedication to the V is strong :D FWIW if you need the power of V's on a single speed rigid bike you must have the bawz of steel :lol: Anyway as I've tactfully avoided yes it will be either V's or disc's :oops: .

Road singlespeed gearing is a tricky one because your running small wheels, you need to start working out gear inches. As in if you went the same gear as me forinstance it would be too easy because each crank rev would cover less distance. Theres a good calc on sheldons site to give you a ball park. Obviously start with what you've got lying about, maybe try to get an old 48 tooth ring on a non compact chainset?
Will have a look and do the maths, think I ran a 36/13 before but can't really remember, but might be coming back at you to see if you have a big and a wee front ring spare :wink:
ZigZag, go to the sheldon brown site and use his gain ratio calculations to work out the best gearing for your SS road bike.

Gain ratios allow you to figure direct comparisons of required gearing between bikes of differing wheel diameter and crank length.

Better than the gear inch system.

Gaz, when you get the canti's set right they do work fine through out a ride just not to V-brake levels. BITD when I changed to Vee's it was principally cause I could not set up a canti worth toffee, but now I'm much better at it :lol:
will check out sheldon velo good info as always but still don't agree with the Canti's are all that vibe- they look better I'll give you that.

You looking for a new old spesh project velo?
thought I saw a wanted ad you posted for a frame? was I hallucinating?

BTW I managed to get that deore v-brake off the stumpy that is now with ZZ, took an age of soaking :wink: one is no real use to me, wondered if you have the other to make it a pair again, if you want it back?
Sorry Gaz, your not halucinating, I do want another Hardrock but one without damage, its just the most comfy rigid atb I've owned to date :D

Punt the V-brake to someone for next to nowt as a karma thing, I've got loads of vee's and do not have a set to match those.

Alls gone quiet on Mugdock, is it still happening or should I go amuse myself at GT again or maybe even the Drum ?