MacRetro chat and rides thread

You could do but I suspect few people look at the first page anymore, newbie or otherwise.

Maybe say more in less posts as opposed to quick fire one liners but thats just being boring I suppose.

By the by Kaiser hows your Ecurie MacRetro team colours idea coming along :D
Feel free to make lots of pointless one liners over in the NE section, its full of tumbleweed at the moment.

Ooops, there another one. Sorry Velo

velomaniac":1367nith said:
You could do but I suspect few people look at the first page anymore, newbie or otherwise.

Maybe say more in less posts as opposed to quick fire one liners but thats just being boring I suppose.

By the by Kaiser hows your Ecurie MacRetro team colours idea coming along :D

Could maybe include the Scottish bit in the thread title. TBH most forums have people/threads like this. It really is a case of muscling in if you want to be part of it. I reckon we respond quite well to newbies too? No? Remember the thread was started before the area groups to keep the shit chat off the rides threads. I reckon we already pollute other threads as it is with repartee never mind if we stopped it here. :)

Ecurie MacRetro is still kicking about. I recall AC saying that his girlfriend has a machine that could do embroidery. I've also saw a suitable logo we could pilfer. It would be a case of picking a jersey and having to logo put on. I'll keep it at the forefront and show a few ideas soon.
Kaiser, I'm a graphic designer by trade so if you want something you've seen modded just let me know (I drew up the xizang decals myself ), I can even stretch to new designs if I have plenty of time.

I can prep artwork for most stuff, although embroidery machines might be a little specific (unless it lists formats it can take).
Heres the original Ecurie Ecosse badge- very classy, simple and elegent.

The Ken":1fvsfaws said:
Kaiser, I'm a graphic designer by trade...
Prepare to be inundated with numerous requests for custom decal designs :roll: I do like the idea of an Ecurie Macretro line of chunky knitwear and evening gowns though.

Speaking as a noob and someone who can best be described as a bit shy around folks he doesn't know... I wouldn't describe the Macretro thread as daunting, but like any online community it's kind of like approaching a group of people at a party and inserting yourself into their conversation. For me, it was Jamie who gave me my opening when he posted in my Reader's bike Hardrock thread and told me to head over here for some tartan tinged chat. Soooo, what am I trying to say? Keep an eye out elsewhere on the forum, and drag over any Scots noobs - it kind of gives them an 'in'.
that looks great si, love it 8)

I generally dont have much to say but an urge to say something :roll: :lol:

a picture paints a thousand words so here was my original inspiration, not perfect and agree the stems are a bit bulky- BTW kaiser you love those pink cables :shock:

Gazz, that is stupid nice, could do much worse than end up with a bike that looks like that.

Talking of pink cables... I found a nice jagwire pink cable outer set for the 'Hopper, the only problem is they are for a road bike - are there likely to be issues using them on a MTB?