MacRetro chat and rides thread

i'll be there with bells on too- have been told that there is a topper of a chippie in ardrossan so might just be the perfect return dinner treat :wink:

The weather promises to be good 8)

you still camping or will you be bringing the pig? you coming to arran mr reed?
Well, does the velomobile live?

And has Kaiser dropped off the radar to avoid having his drive gayed-up on Sunday?

Enquiring minds want to know... In other news, weather forecast for Arran on Sunday:


8) indeed...
Velopig may or may not make it as fuel line issue solved but battery now flat from underuse :roll:

Still camping, take train if needed, simple enough, one way or other I'll be there.

Weird, no sign of Kaiser for a wee while now, that is unheard of :shock:
Good news! Sounds like you're almost mobile. Flat battery? Assuming your alternator (and battery I suppose) isn't on the fritz, wouldn't a good run to the west coast get you all charged up again?
do we have an alternative meeting point if kaiser is a no go- your right belo the man is very quite. Indeed I kind of know roughly were he lives but not exactly!
Gaz, might be worth sending a text to see if he will make it.
I've lost his number though. :roll:

I won't be there either just thought it was a good idea.
Obvious alternative meet point is the ferry office by the harbour beside the long term carpark.

I have decided that I'm trainning it, I'm not convinced by my cars electrics at the moment. I'd rather bumble around closer to home until I'm sure its all fixed :roll: Also I spotted via google maps a nice 10 mile B-road run from Greenock to my campsite that could be a nice we tarmac cycle for Saturday. I'll then shoot the three miles down to Largs for the short journey by train to Ardrossan to link up with you guys.

I'd be obliged if I could put my panniers in someones car whilst we're on Arran.

ZigZag if your offer for a lift back east is still on I'd be obliged but i'm happy to train it from Falkirk, saving you the extra mileage :D :wink:

Hope Kaisers OK, this silence is not like him :?


Just popping in to say hi all and introduce myself folks.
Name is Dave from Fife, discovered these most excellent forums while looking for a solution for a stripped thread on the hanger on my '91 Raleigh Mission, now fixed, thanks.
Just getting back into cycling, 40/60 road and trail.
Seems you have a thriving community here. Most excellent.
So thats me and 'hi'.
