MacRetro chat and rides thread

Got a few hours out on the stumpie today and had a blast but at the mo I am running a ceramic front wheel and braking is noisy and pretty poor when it gets wet, any recommendations on some brake pads that work with these rims, might just put a normal rim on if it is a costly exersize?

Was also getting the orange ready for the new pace front fork but noticed that some rust had started to get under the Argos paint job at the bottom of the headset I have sanded it down as it was pretty surface but what would you recommend to stop the rust taking hold waxoil? Will need to try and touch it up with some of the paint I get for the mini clockwork project.

How are folks anyway? Kind of quiet round here lately the east coasters planning a new east coast macretro area group splinter?
Tis a bit quiet round here, wonder if people are actually oot biking?
I've just 'won' a titanium flexstem bars combo :D will need to do a wee bit of research.
what ceramic rim you got gazz ?

ive read that normal pads gum up the coating but going over it with some white spirit sorts it out
Mavic sup summit or other will try your spirit top tip thanks perry, what you looking at using your flexstem combo on kaiser? Oh yeah cheers for the mags mate loving them.

I have just taken my flexstem off so will be up for sale soon what are the White maguras for chief?