MacRetro chat and rides thread

Anyone on here use a rim insert? Eg, Cushcore, Rimpact, Vittoria Airliner?
The Rimpact looks good and a reasonable price to me, just wondering if anyone had personal experience, any downsides etc?
Rimpact Pro on my enduro wheels and the ebike.
Really good rim protection and allow lower pressure while still keeping the tyre wall stable. Also give a really damped feel. Difficult to explain but the wheels feel really quiet.
Downsides. A bugger to fit. There is a technique but takes a couple of frustrating attempts to figure it out. Also can’t imagine getting them off at the side of a trail if you do manage to puncture. The damping I mention can also be tiring on very rocky trails. It’s like the rocks are constantly coming through to the insert and passing the shock through the wheel instead of air volume. It feels more controlled than to ride and you don’t snakebite but can also be fatiguing over a long trail. That’s the reason I don’t use them on my light trail wheels.

Don’t think it’s as much of an issue with the non pro version, but they don’t provide as much protection or tyre support. Really depends on why you want to run inserts. If it’s purely a bit of rim protection on xc trails the original version would be fine. For proper enduro stuff the pro is worth it.
Cheers Clubby, yeah it's for rim protection, some of the local trails eg Pitfichie are quite rocky & I've had a few dinged rims from (I guess) using too low tyre pressure (or just crap riding style 😅), so I'd like something to help safeguard against that, as it can get expensive repairing/replacing wheels!
I've tried slightly higher tyre pressure but it's definitely not optimal for those types of trails.
Once you get them on!!! 😭😭😭😭
If you struggle the Cushcore buttplug tyre lever works really well.
Struggle with what? 👀 Is that a typo? Or an actual "thing"? 😅
If it turns out to be a struggle I'll just pay a bike shop to do it, let someone else have the pleasure 😂