MacRetro chat and rides thread

Nope, I dont do pics as well you know. You only see my madness in the flesh. My bikes tend to give the sensitive cyclist a need for mind bleach :LOL:
Re: SSSC 2020

Got a daft idea for October provided anyone is still alive by then ;)

This maybe of particular interest to Brian and Jamie.

Scottish Single Speed Championships 2020

Here is my idea:
A 5-6 mile circuit using various paths and a bit of road providing single track and a few worthwhile climbs and descents on the southern fringe of Edinburgh. The event would be under the radar in that it is not official, features no closed paths or roads, so being polite and careful around pedestrians, dogs being walked and cars. Cost would be zero and marshals few to none, any present would ride around the circuit to keep folk right. Every participant issued with ride directions plus possibly a question to answer on each lap to be sure a lap was completed but each participant is honour bound not to cheat, or at least not be caught ! Winner is whomever completes the most laps in 3 hours. A consideration is Basic Legally binding Liability Waivers exist online taking Scots law into account for free should I be nervous, alternatively I just dont tell folk where I live and possibly wear a mask. Cost to participants is nothing just show up, sign up then race.....ish :cool:
Site of proposed route features a camp site with a pub next door and its near me so plenty time for recons.
Participants encouraged to bring a mtb related prize to add to the swag bag for awarding at the end.
Race start 12 mid day, end 3pm, prizes awarded 4pm from said swag bag. Later folks meet up in pub for drinkies and tales of daring do.

Will promote on Facebook even though I do not like it :roll:

So basically a no frills addition to the single speed calendar before winter gets serious and the camp sites still open. Plus as I am unemployed at moment and have no plans to work full time ever ever again in my life so I have time on my hands :D

Does this idea seem fun to anyone or should I just file it under "TRASH"
Re: SSSC 2020

velomaniac":69b6cotf said:
...Scottish Single Speed Championships 2020...
Terrible idea.

I like your thinking. Loads of prizes and make it fun.

I'll be there with a prize contribution. :)

BTW I own the domain so that could be used.
It's been moribund for 10 years.

I like the cut of your jib young man, sign me up!
I too would contribute to the swag bag.


Okay, I'll start compiling all my ideas and doing my home work. When I have better plans I'll get back to you Brian and see what can be done with your site.

Personally I find SS Champs are becoming a bit too organised and pricey. The East Lothian Audax form of the just follow a route guide keeps it simple. However keeping it to laps of a circuit also makes it easier to keep on top of. A show up and race where all details about accommodation food etc is up to participants makes my life easier and within city boundaries means, god forbid, A&E is not far away.

Also putting it in October is far enough away to allow planning such as it is, not to be rushed.

Thinking Saturday 10th October. Campsites open all year so other dates possible.
Re: Re:

velomaniac":21g2fj8w said:
...within city boundaries means, god forbid, A&E is not far away...
Actually, that brings up a point I've been mulling over about SS events. I've talked to Jamie about this a bit too.

A considerable part of the world lives in places with no spatial freedom, so they just have to ride round and round in designated playgrounds with designed features.

As a result the SS events have been on run on artificial courses built more for geared suspension bikes, and not really a good idea on a lashed together rigid SS with '90s geometry with a casual beer drinking rider. IE the risk factor is increased.

In the old days there were 'chicken runs' so you didn't have to do the "you'll die or wish you did if you get it wrong" sections.

Perhaps plan a course more like the early klunker days and make them more rider friendly to attract more than just the die hard SS riders. I think that would bring in more of the ride for fun type riders.
Sorry to be a killjoy, but you’d still need public liability insurance even if you found a waiver that would stand up to scrutiny.
All these audax that have been run for years have had all the risk assessments done and the associated cost covered years ago.
Don’t think you can pretend to not be the organiser if anything does wrong.

I applaud the idea, but frankly there’s a reason more people aren’t out there organising these kind of events.

Don't worry Clubby, let me do the worry it, I am good at that. So I have now contacted the Scotland branch of British Cycling as they are keen on helping folk organise cycling events and offer insurance deals. Plan is moving more toward off road audax style and being more inclusive in that any one with any style of bike they are prepared to ride on and off road will be welcome. Mainly mtb/gravel riders I see as the main audience. We will see, there must be a way.....

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