MacRetro chat and rides thread

Re: Re:

jimo746":3exd4qe1 said:
One for the diary for next year, maybe of interest to those long distance types... ... X4WnamkFkg

Hello fellow Randonneurs. I'm pleased to announce my first event Dee Lechtable is in the calendar for 18 April 2020. Starting at the Culter Village Hall just outside Aberdeen.
Reborn for 2020, this lumpy NE Scotland ride returns. The route starts steadily through Royal Deeside before heading into the Cairngorm mountains, taking in the classic climbs of Gairnshiel, The Lecht, The Cabrach and The Suie. A final gradual downhill run returns to Peterculter via Alford.2.25AAA points are on offer!

Well I was going to enter the Dirty Reiver today as entries opened, but apparently the 200km event is already sold out :shock:
So I think I'll enter the Audax instead!
Might join you Jimo :)
Sounds a good 'un.
I am down for one in February from memory, somewhere down in the borders. Better check my emails as it was a while ago.
I need to renew my membership tonight so will enter then.
Brian? Velo?

Re: Re:

RobMac":e95nag9f said:
Has the fat bike had it's day?
Not if the forecast for the end of next week is to be believed.

10" of snow to fall up here.

Just as well we have our fatties fettled for Global Fat Bike Day on Saturday.

Jamie & I are doing the Aultnabreac Loop.

Anyone wanting to join us is welcome.
Re: Re:

RobMac":3hc74axm said:
Has the fat bike had it's day?


(*as a tool of the bike industry intent on selling us the latest must have mass produced consumerism’s)


(* to those that actually need a bike with that particular skill set, or who just like them.)

Does anyone actually give a fcuk? *

(* except those that never liked them in the first place and just want to gloat)
Maybe the fatbike has had its day.

Once the bandwagonners arrived, the market for fatbikes boomed, but they wanted stuff like "modern trail geometry", slack angles, suspension, etc and the manufacturers were only too happy to give it to them.

The end result was bike suited for artificial trails, downhill focused riding, jumps etc, and a long way from something you'd want to plough through soft going on.

If the bandwaggoners have moved on, then maybe the manufacturers will evolve the bikes back towards proper go anywhere bikes.
Everything has a place :)
Like the others have said, maybe the 'trend' is dying off, but even then I am not too sure.
All you see on facebook and other social media is fatbikes coming out the woodwork for winter so I think the trendiness of it is still on the level. I think once some of the people who got them for summer ride them in winter they will maybe see how much fun it is, not competitive, just fun with the ability to ride when and where you maybe previously couldn't due to conditions.
And yeah with GFD almost upon us, they will definitely be out and about this weekend. If anyone does want to join Brian and I then I can organise somewhere to stay for Friday or Saturday night and then we can take the van out to the start.



Currently too unfit to ride the distance from my front door to the bus stop, 10 yards. So no audax for me.

Fat bikes will never die, just go back to being niche where they are happiest :-)