Disagree Epicyclo. With the current geometries the idea is to have your static weight central, but with more room to move forward and back influencing the weighting of each wheel as needed. The classic bum over back tyre style of the 90’s doesn’t work, and isn’t needed. At first you need to consciously weight he front wheel to get it to bite but soon get used to it.
Problem you’ve got Velo is that all these things work together. Changing one without being able to change the others is a compromise.
I’d say that the most important part of the current equation is the wheelbase. My current Santa Cruz is 3” longer in the wheelbase than my Mojo was. This makes the biggest difference to the handling. The top tube is also 2” longer but the stem is 1” shorter, giving only an extra inch of reach. The seat tube is also steeper, effectively moving climbing weight forward to help keep the front wheel down.
With your idea, yes you’ll slacken the HA but keep the wheelbase pretty much the same. You will also end with the weight much further to the back, unweighting the front wheel even more, reducing grip. That said, as long as you’re aware of it, then try it out. If you’ve all the parts then it’s a fun weekends tinkering in the garage. Who doesn’t love that?