MacRetro chat and rides thread


Quick some body answer this question before Andy turns up :shock:
What generation of Hope hub can be converted from standard QR to 15mm axle OR cant they?
Thoughts on this ?? ... e-36091485

Anyone here :LOL:

No offence to anyone but theyre both in the wrong.
Just a stretch of road but those tram lines take a bit of negotiation. putting the bike in a bit of a wobble and i suspect as he glances to check seeing the taxi up where it would normally be, panics. Then we get the torrent of abuse followed by him berating the taxi, when it was he that lost control momentarily.

Taxi driver waits for him though i feel if the taxi could only travel at 5 mph, the bike would follow him and further abuse would follow. As it was the taxi out accelerates the bike.
Should have left it there but I can see that the taxi will have been upset about it. Quite a torrent for basically staying in lane.
In fact i did hear some shouting about lanes so i guess that was from the taxi :?

I add 'staying in lane' because thats what hes done since we first saw hi at the lights, When the bike came up behind him then filtered through the middle. I didnt see a 3rd lane allowing for that :? , but never mind :roll:
Next the bike drifts over to the outside,Fair Enough, but its only to give himself the advantage for undertaking anyone he comes up to. Or around and up the middle as we saw at the beginning.

Drifts all about the road, filtering up the inside or middle as suits, then screams a torrent of abuse at anyone he gets too close to(from the erratic riding style, likely)
After that, and i did hear bumps on the vid, which im guessing is the banging on the window the driver is talking about, which is also extremely feasible given the bike rider seems prone to violent outbursts.
Judge had no option. Taxi is there on camera, taking a swing.
Best judgement ive seen for a while. 9 points leaves nothing. You do anything youre out your job. Good call that. He can see the cyclist is also at fault, but other than having a big gob, hasnt hit anyone.
Probably feels as i do, that the bike will end up under one of these vehicles one day, and that will be that. Statistics HAVE to come from somewhere and the guy who stays in lane is less likely to end up as one.

No matter what the guy on the bike did, it's the driver's responsibility to avoid the vulnerable rider. A 2 ton taxi v less than 100kg bike/rider, the driver has a duty of care to other road users, end of. He tries to squeeze past with no thought for what might happen being so close to bike. If the taxi driver had hung back until there was room to pass bike safely with plenty of room, none of what occurred later would have happened.

The rider was in genuine fear of serious injury, he's going to make his point of view known in a manner that will get the driver's attention. At no point was the taxi driver in danger of injury. There is no excuse for the taxi driver getting out of taxi and waiting in middle of road with fists raised for rider to come within reach then punch him. The taxi driver is a lucky man as there are many people I know, myself included, who would not take kindly to being hit with a swinging fist.