MacRetro chat and rides thread

Re: Re:

kaiser":36txfvcs said:
How is the ride planning coming along? Whats up next?

Slowly, nobody seems very enthusiastic at the moment. Next prospective ride is the Retro Pentlands, which was pencilled in for May sometime.
It'd be good to fit something in for April though, before the year fizzles out. School holidays get in the road in April though, as does fat forth.
Open to suggestions.
Re: Re:

clubby":1t0qcc90 said:
Next prospective ride is the Retro Pentlands, which was pencilled in for May sometime.

I'm afraid someone else is going to have to cover this ride. I'm laid up with a back injury and can't see progress fast enough to enable me to organise and lead this. :cry:
Re: Re:

firedfromthecircus":1efuzs5w said:
clubby":1efuzs5w said:
Next prospective ride is the Retro Pentlands, which was pencilled in for May sometime.

I'm afraid someone else is going to have to cover this ride. I'm laid up with a back injury and can't see progress fast enough to enable me to organise and lead this. :cry:

Sorry to hear that. Do it biking or "other" activities?