MacRetro chat and rides thread

Just seen Macretro member Epicyclo on the Adventure Show, BBC2 Scotland!
They're doing a piece on the Strathpuffer 24, Brian pops up a few times, as do a selection of Fat Bikes.

I guess it'll be on BBC iPlayer to watch later?

Anyone who was at the Dunkeld ride knows how snowy it can get in the winter, whilst browsing the Planet-X website I noticed they have a tyre sale on, Schwalbe Ice Spiker studded tyres for £15, might be a worthwhile investment for next winter?
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jimo746":20obc9uc said:
Anyone who was at the Dunkeld ride knows how snowy it can get in the winter, whilst browsing the Planet-X website I noticed they have a tyre sale on, Schwalbe Ice Spiker studded tyres for £15, might be a worthwhile investment for next winter?

Buy the better ones with more spikes is all my limited experience can offer.
Re: Re:

Mr Panda":2us2u67c said:
This week I have been mainly SARACEN powered :D

Didn't realise the weather had been so bad in the shire! And it's a fair step up from a Scooby. Besides, shouldn't this be in motor chat thread anyway? :?


Weather is sh!te at the moment as it happens..................I narrowly avoided buying the Saracen frameset last Autumn as LGF thankfully got in before I stopped dithering. However when he put the whole bike up for sale a few weeks ago I had to have it. Tis a jolly good fit too.
So there.

Odd the way nice strong frames like those produced by Saracen fall by the wayside and we end up with mince :?

Are you going to renovate it at all MrP ? A nice rebuild in period spec :D

Refresh my memory ............................................. :shock: What was I gonna say again?

I, vee brake levers can operate cants but cant levers canny operate vee brakes? :?

V levers will operate canti brakes, but make delicate braking difficult and wheel lockups way too common, basically on-off braking with little modulation.
Canti levers cannot operate Vee's as dont pull enough cable. Work fine with mini vee's but only on sub 1.75" tyres otherwise wire catches tread as brake arms too short.