MacRetro chat and rides thread

wonder if it qualifies for the bike to work scheme ?

scheme seems to be greatly improved since i last looked, equates to 40% off up to £1K
got myself some freedom, planning a weekend of riding

but where? thinking 1 big all day job followed the next by a leg loosener/hang-over blow off the next day

any recommendations, thoughts or suggestions out there

We're heading out on Sunday for a big day out, currently chasing the good weather, it could be dreich oot.
aye, there's apparently a storm coming across the atlantic, hopefully it'll have settled down by the following weekend as that's my window of opportunity

leaning towards the gorms at the mo, although there's interest in torridon from other parties
Great I'm on holiday next week, was thinking last minute Skye with the family, might need to try and avoid the weather a bit

Further to electric plans I have revised to a more modest plan involving the conversion of one of my fleet of bikes using a kit from these guys :
Decent quality kit, not the cheapest but you get what you pay for, ebay chinese stuff very probably sh*** :roll:

Strip the wheel and build a 2wd fat bike. Imagine what you could ride with that traction and power.
Clubby Wrote:
Strip the wheel and build a 2wd fat bike. Imagine what you could ride with that traction and power.
I'll see what it performs like, if satisfied it might be an idea but I'd not take it anywhere near sea salt !